As many of you know Asher arrived a little late. My due date as March 29th and he was born April 1th at 11:25 pm, almost in his 43rd week of being in my womb! So, I was getting a little bit stir crazy waiting for this little guy to come. Thankfully on Sunday night I started to get contractions on my own instead of having to be induced on Tuesday. I waited them out, although didn't sleep much and on Monday afternoon when they were about 10 minutes apart we left for the hospital.
I went with Jake as well as my friend, Erin. when we arrived at the Dr.'s office my contractions had subsided and I was only dilated to 2cm so he told us to try to spend the night somewhere close to the hospital (we live about 1 hr away) and come when the contractions were stronger. we left for our friends' house and spent the night there, me still contracting and Jake and Erin timing them and helping me through each one. I think my highlight from this night was a few moments of relief while watching some of Nacho Libre and drinking a beer. I tried to put my mind at ease but throughout the night I as having painful back labor and again couldn't sleep. In the morning I was getting desperate to get to the hospital. I didn't want to give birth at our friends' house and by this time I was throwing up and feeling a lot of pain with each contraction.
we arrived at the hospital and again, I was only dilated to 4 cm. It was really hard not to feel frustrated as my Dr. kept checking and saying I was not progressing very far. The day continued and I spent from about 10am that morning until 10 pm that night continuing with contractions, eventually less than 5 minutes apart and only dilated to 5 0r 6 cm. I could not go on any longer, especially as I had decided early on to do things naturally so I hadn't had any iv or pain medication. The Dr. said that what was going on was called failure to progress in labor and for some reason which we couldn't know at the time my cervix just wasn't dilating. I decided at that point that I did not want him to put me on pitocin since I had labored for so long already and we didn't even know if it would help. He said he saw only one option, c-section, and I agreed with much relief! At this point I was yelling for the anesthesiologist! I could not endure a third night of no sleep and fruitless laboring!
So they wheeled me into the operating room and about 30 minutes later, at 11:25 pm. Asher David Salmond arrived! He was posterior, or sunny side, up which explained the back labor and slow labor. But, he was also very healthy: 8 lbs. 4 oz, 22 inches long. Asher arrived just in time, I was able to nurse him right away, and then we all rested up.
Recovering from surgery has not been easy, but I am so glad to have Asher in my arms. It's now a week later and I am feeling much better. My family has helped me so much and hopefully in one more week when my mother-in-law has to leave I will be more than capable of taking care of Judah and Asher by myself. what an adventure this last week has been. I know there is more to come. I am so thankful to God for protecting me through everything and providing the support and sustenance that I need. I cling to Him as my comforter and my healer. I love Isaiah 40:30, "Even youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...".
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