Who we are

We live in the Dominican Republic and work with Young Life International. Jake works at Pico Escondido, a Young Life camp that serves Dominicans in this country as well as work teams from the states. We are both currently volunteers with Vida Joven, YL in Spanish, and I (Kyla) am a full-time mom. We want to keep you informed about our lives and our ministry as well as share some encouragement along the way. Read more to find out what God has been doing in our lives!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Judah is almost a year!

We have been having fun lately with Judah as he is becoming way more mobile! I took some videos of Judah that I wanted to share. You might want to turn down the volume because as I listened to my voice I realized that my "mommy is excited voice" is a little high-pitched :).

Enjoy! (This is especially for Judah's grandmas who I knew would love to see him in action.)